Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; July 9, 10, and 11 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 12 | 5:00pm
VIVER BRASIL DANCE COMPANY | Los Angeles, California, USA / Brazil
Choreographed by Vera Passos, Rosangela Silvestre, Shelby Williams Gonzalez, and Luiz Badaró
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.949.6722 | 1. 866.949.6722 (toll free) | www.arshtcenter.org (Dance-theatre)
Four stunning works of Afro-Brazilian dance-theatre. An homage to Nancy de Souza e Silva (Dona Cici), wise elder of the Candomblé culture, it celebrates peace, ancestry, the forces of nature and the power of women. Creative soundscapes and enticing forró dances captivate audiences with irrepressible physicality, power, passion, and exuberance.

Friday and Saturday, July 10 and 11 | 8:30pm
CENA PARA SEIS (Dinner for Six)
Written by Cristina Rebull | Directed by Joann M. Yarrow and Cristina Rebull
Teatro Prometeo, Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus | 300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.237.3262 | http://cenaparaseis.brownpapertickets.com
Free parking available at MDC Lot #1 on 5th Street between 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard
(In Spanish with English supertitles)
Theatre of the absurd with touches of comedy and suspense. Six people are anonymously invited to a dinner, where one of them announces the death of “the fat man.” Any one of them could be the killer. The victim stops being the victim and becomes the defendant at a trial in which the judge is the social and ethical conscience of the characters and the audience.

Friday and Saturday, July 10 and 11 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 12 | 5:00pm
TEATRO DEL AZORO |San Salvador, El Salvador
LOS MÁS SOLOS (The Loneliest)
Written and directed by Egly Larreynaga and Luis Felpeto
On.Stage Black Box Theatre@Miami-Dade County Auditorium |2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.547.5414 | 800.745.3000 (toll free) | www.miamidadecountyauditorium.org
(In Spanish)
Four mentally ill convicts, victims of a harsh civil war in their youth and now shut away in a psychiatric facility, are reflections of a violent and insane society. Welcome to the psychiatric ward at Soyapango prison.

Friday and Saturday, July 10 and 11 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 12 | 5:00pm
Written by Silvero Pereira | Directed by Jezebel De Carli
Koubek Theatre | 2705 SW 3rd Street, Miami
TICKETS :: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1567092 | 305.445-8877
Valet Parking: $5 (In Portuguese with Spanish supertitles)
Addressing the role of family, school, religion, politics and art in the transgender community, the play depicts the lives of transvestites and cross-dressing performers through documentary theatre. BR-TRANS is about facts, about reality, and features a character from“trans-Brazil”, fashioned from the convergence of and displacement between northeastern and southern Brazil.

Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 19 | 5:00pm
SIMULACRO DE IDILIO (A Simulated Romance)
Written and directed by David Gaitán
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center |1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll free) | www.arshtcenter.org
(In Spanish)
A middle-school teacher appears committed to observing the moral code of the society in which he lives. Facing the difficulty of finding a job and the imminent collapse of his family, the system offers him the opportunity to save himself by becoming corrupt. It won’t end well.

Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 19 | 5:00 p.m.
SINTEATROS INTIMUS | New York, New York, USA / Venezuela
SWALLOWS (Golondrinas)
Written and directed by Aminta de Lara
On.Stage Black Box Theatre @ Miami-Dade County Auditorium | 2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305. 547-5414 / 1.800. 745-3000 (toll-free) / www.miamidadecountyauditorium.org
(In English with Spanish supertitles)
At a time of intense partisan divisions and massive street demonstrations both for and against the government, two sisters are forced to take a profound look at their relationship with their dead father. A dark period of their childhood fuels the confrontation between them.

Friday and Saturday | July 17 and 18 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 19 | 5:00pm
APPLE OF MY EYE (Menina dos Meus Olhos)
Written by Tathiana Piancastelli | Directed by Debora Balardini
Koubek Theatre | 2705 SW 3rd Street, Miami
TICKETS :: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1585487 | 305.445.8877
Valet Parking $5 (In Portuguese with English supertitles)
Written and performed by a person with Down syndrome and featuring a cast of ten actors, Apple of My Eye) tells the story of a young woman in search of love and social acceptance. The play connects text, vocal techniques, multimedia and physical theatre to advance a non-judgmental view of others and prove that genius and originality are not exclusive to certain groups.

Saturday, July 18 | 5:45pm
ZARZUGUIÑOL | Madrid, Spain
Written by Javier Ruiz Gaitán and Melisa de las Heras | Directed by Carlos Crooke Llop
Key Biscayne Community Center | 10 Village Green Way, Key Biscayne
Free admission and parking
RESERVATIONS :: 305.365.8900 (In Spanish)
The charming puppet Don Hilarión from La Verbena de la Paloma and his friends transport us to a wonderful world. Children will discover the composers, librettists and traditions of Spanish operettas as well as delightful stories that will better acquaint them with this genre. A colorful parade of the characters that populate such “zarzuelas”: chulapos, chulapas, sailors, gleaners, farmers, beautiful women and valiant gentlemen.

Sunday, July 19 | 2:00-7:00pm
International Children's Day
InterAmerican Campus, Miami-Dade College | 627 SW 27th Avenue, Miami
Free admission and parking
INFORMATION :: 305.237.6186
2:00-3:00pm | Arts and crafts, rides, face painting and distribution of combo meals
3:00-4:30pm | Workshops: acting, dance, voice/music, painting and puppetry
4:30-5:30pm | Presentation by workshop participants
6:00-7:00pm | PERFORMANCE:
ZARZUGUIÑOL | Madrid, Spain
Written by Javier Ruiz Gaitán & Melisa de las Heras | Directed by Carlos Crooke Llop (In Spanish)
The charming puppet Don Hilarión from La Verbena de la Paloma and his friends transport us to a wonderful world. Children will discover the composers, librettists and traditions of Spanish operettas as well as delightful stories that will better acquaint them with this genre. A colorful parade of the characters that populate such “zarzuelas”: chulapos, chulapas, sailors, gleaners, farmers, beautiful women and valiant gentlemen.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; July 23, 24, and 25 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 26 | 5:00pm
TEATRO AVANTE | Miami, Florida, USA
ALGUNA COSITA QUE ALIVIE EL SUFRIR (A Little Something to Ease the Pain)
Written by René R. Alomá | Directed by Mario Ernesto Sánchez
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll free) | www.arshtcenter.org
(In Spanish with English supertitles)​
Exile, that bittersweet dish seasoned with the nostalgia of those who leave and the yearning of those who stay, bears in it achievements and renunciations, benefits and sacrifices, hope and resignation. Those who go and those who stay will always live seeking a little something to ease the pain.

Thursday and Friday, July 23 and 24 | 8:30pm
PRÍNCIPE AZUL (Prince Charming)
Written by Eugenio Griffero | Directed by Neher Jaqueline Briceño
Adriana Barraza Black Box | 3100 NW 72nd Avenue, Suite 127, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.436.2916 | www.abactingstudio.com
Free parking (In Spanish)
A pact to meet again in 50 years and a date stamped on two hearts, amazing in their peculiarities, challenges and fears. Two beings caught in the spell of believing themselves to be the same 50 years later, when they have inevitably stopped being what they once were.

Friday and Saturday, July 24 and 25 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 26 | 5:00 p.m.
Written and directed by María Prado and Fernando de Retes
On.Stage Black Box Theatre @ Miami-Dade County Auditorium | 2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.547.5414 | 800.745.3000 (toll free) | www.miamidadecountyauditorium.org
(In Spanish with English supertitles)

Friday and Saturday, July 24 and 25 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 26 | 5:00pm
COMPLOT | Montevideo, Uruguay
EX – QUE REVIENTEN LOS ACTORES (EX – To Hell With the Actors)
Written and directed by Gabriel Calderón
Koubek Theater | 2705 SW 3rd Street, Miami
TICKETS :: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1677791 | 305.445.8877
Valet parking $5 (In Spanish with English supertitles)
The story of a girl with sorrow that grew with time, a need that deepened day by day and a problem that blew up in the face of those who wouldn’t listen. This is the story of a family that comes together one Christmas after many years apart.
PLEASE NOTE | For security reasons, the United States has severely tightened restrictions on visas and other travel documents. Such restrictions may impair our ability to adhere to the published festival schedule. Please bear with us and keep in mind that our program may change without notice. Thank you!