Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; July 10, 11, and 12 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 13 | 5:00pm
CIBRIÁN MAHLER CO. | Buenos Aires, Argentina
Written by Pepe Cibrián Campoy and Ángel Malher | Directed by Pepe Cibrián Campoy
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll free) | www.arshtcenter.org
Co-sponsored by Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Argentina (Brief nudity)
A portrait of unlimited power, a song to human freedom in its struggle against omnipotent, omnipresent and murderous power.

Friday, July 11 and 18, and Saturday, July 12 and 19 | 8:30pm
LA CONDUCTA DE LA VIDA (The Conduct of Life)
Written by María Irene Fornés | Directed by Joann Yarrow
Teatro Prometeo, Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus | 300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.237.3262 | www.teatroprometeo.org
Free parking available at MDC Lot #1 on 5th Street between 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard
(In Spanish with English supertitles)
Politics, power and human rights frame a story in which domestic conflict mirrors societal violence.

Saturday, July 12 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 13 | 5:00pm
TEATRO DE BABEL | Mexico D.F., Mexico
Written by Juan Carlos Rubio | Directed by Ignacio García
Miami-Dade College's Koubek Center Theater | 2705 SW 3rd Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.237.3262 | www.teatroprometeo.org
$3 discounted parking on premises with theatre ticket
Co-sponsored by Mexico's INBA-Conaculta, Fonca, INAEM, Centro Dramático Nacional, Ocesa, and the Spanish Embassy in Mexico
About borders, migration, human stupidity and the limits of manipulation. A tragicomic portrait of two souls lost in the desert of life.

Monday, July 14 | 8:30pm
VOLVIÓ UNA NOCHE (She Returned One Night)
Written by Eduardo Rovner | Directed by Beatriz J. Rizk
Teatro Prometeo, Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus | 300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami
Free admission
INFORMATION :: 305.237.3262 | www.teatroprometeo.org
Free parking available at MDC Lot #1 on 5th Street between 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard
(Staged reading)
The struggle between the changes sought by individuals and the persistence of traditions imposed by earlier generations.

Tuesday, July 15 | 8:30pm
Written by Patricia Suárez | Directed by Beatriz J. Rizk
Teatro Prometeo, Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus | 300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami
Free admission
INFORMATION :: 305.237.3262 | www.teatroprometeo.org
Free parking available at MDC Lot #1 on 5th Street between 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard
(Staged reading)
The expectations created by a society that pushes women to strive for traditional status clash with a reality that is better defined by its limits than by its opportunities.

Thursday and Friday, July 17 and 18 | 8:30pm
ALBANTA | Cádiz, Spain
CÁDIZ EN MI CORAZÓN (Cádiz in My Heart)
Written by Abel González Melo | Directed by Pepe Bablé
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll free) | www.arshtcenter.org
Co-sponsored by INAEM, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Gobierno de España
An impossible journey, via postcards, to places unknown, striving to return to the past, to invent what was not and to own one's fate.

Thursday and Friday, July 17 and 18 | 8:30pm
CACUMEN TEATRO | Mexico D.F., Mexico
EL PANFLETO DEL REY Y SU LACAYO (The Pamphlet of the King and His Footman)
Written by Cutberto López | Directed by Angélica Rogel
On.Stage Black Box Theatre@Miami-Dade County Auditorium |2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.547.5414 | 800.745.3000 (toll free) | www.miamidadecountyauditorium.org
Co-sponsored by INBA - CONACULTA
The world of those who govern us is depicted in a comic, unabashed manner, uncovering the naked struggle for power underneath.

Friday and Saturday, July 18 and 19 | 10:00pm
BROMAS Y LAMENTOS (Jokes and Laments)
Written and directed by Marcelo Lombardero
Miami-Dade County Auditorium Lobby | 2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.547.5414 | www.MiamiDadeCountyAuditorium.org
In collaboration with the Florida Grand Opera and Miami-Dade County Auditorium
In a modern production, Lombardero sets up a dialogue between early Baroque music and avant-garde theatrical ideas.

Saturday, July 19 | 5:45pm
Written by JM Quiñonero and María Socorro García | Directed by JM Quiñonero
Key Biscayne Community Center | 10 Village Green Way, Key Biscayne
Free admission and parking
RESERVATIONS :: 305.365.8900
In collaboration with the Key Biscayne Community Center | Co-sponsored by Centro Cultural Español de Miami, INAEM, Spain Arts & Culture, Spain USA Foundation, Key Biscayne Community Foundation, and the Village of Key Biscayne. A bilingual production for the entire family.
The search for identity, the fear of differences and the prejudices that face those who behave in ways other than what we expect.

Saturday, July 19 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 20 | 5:00pm
TEATRO CENA | Brasília, Brazil
Written by Santiago Serrano | Directed by Guilherme Reis
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll free) | www.arshtcenter.org
(In Portuguese with Spanish supertitles)
About sensitivity and the quest for happiness in an increasingly oppressive world, drawing a parallel with dinosaurs who, to survive, need to create a possible future.

Saturday, July 19 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 20 | 5:00pm
BANFIELD TEATRO ENSAMBLE | Buenos Aires, Argentina
EL LOCO Y LA CAMISA (The Madman and the Shirt)
Written and directed by Nelson Valente
On.Stage Black Box Theatre@Miami-Dade County Auditorium |2901 West Flagler Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.547.5414 | 800.745.3000 (toll free) | www.miamidadecountyauditorium.org
Co-sponsored by Instituto Cultural de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Who is sane and who is insane? There is no greater madness than to live a constant lie. Unreality maddens and corrupts.

Saturday, July 19 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 20 | 5:00pm
UROC TEATRO | Madrid, Spain
LA VISITA (The Visit)
Written and directed by Antonio Muñoz de Mesa
Miami-Dade College's Koubek Center Theater | 2705 SW 3rd Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.237.3262 | www.teatroprometeo.org
$3 discounted parking on premises with theatre ticket
Co-sponsored by Comunidad de Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura
The grotesqueness of a fierce combat between morality and greed. Ethical principles come in second when vying with the implacable
profit motive.

Sunday, July 20 | 2:00-7:00pm
International Children ’s Day, Sponsored by TARGET
Miami-Dade College, InterAmerican Campus | 627 SW 27th Avenue, Miami
Free admission and parking
INFORMATION :: 305. 237.6186
2:00-2:45pm | Arts and crafts, rides, face painting, and distribution of combo meals
3:00-4:30pm | Workshops: acting, dance, voice/music, painting, and puppetry
4:45-5:45pm | Presentation by workshop participants
6:00-7:00pm | PERFORMANCE:
Written by JM Quiñonero and María Socorro García | Directed by JM Quiñonero
In collaboration with Miami Dade College, InterAmerican Campus | Co-sponsored by Centro Cultural Español de Miami, INAEM, Spain Arts & Culture, Spain USA Foundation, and the Marlins Foundation
The search for identity, the fear of differences and the prejudices that face those who behave in ways other than what we expect. A bilingual production for the entire family.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; July 24, 25, and 26 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 27 | 5:00pm
TEATRO AVANTE | Miami, Florida, USA
AÑOS DIFÍCILES (Difficult Years)
Written by Roberto Cossa | Directed by Mario Ernesto Sánchez
Carnival Studio Theater, Adrienne Arsht Center | 1300 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.949.6722 | 866.949.6722 (toll free) | www.arshtcenter.org
Co-sponsored by Miami-Dade County Dept. of Cultural Affairs, National Endowment for the Arts, and the State of Florida Division ofCultural Affairs (In Spanish with English supertitles)

A story in which allusions and metaphors abound, as well as absurd, dark humor and, at times, deceitful hypocrisy.

Friday and Saturday, July 25 and 26 | 8:30pm
LA CHANA TEATRO | Salamanca, Spain
Written by Miguel de Cervantes and Jaime Santos | Directed by Jaime Santos
Teatro Prometeo, Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus | 300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.237.3262 | www.teatroprometeo.org
Free parking available at MDC Lot #1 on 5th Street between 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard
Co-sponsored by Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Gobierno de España
A fun, dynamic, hilarious and profound production in which a “game of objects” expands and enriches the story.

Friday, July 25, August 1, 8, 15, and Saturday, July 26, August 2, 9, 16 | 8:30pm
Written and directed by Neher Jaqueline Briceño
Adriana Barraza Black Box | 3100 NW 72nd Avenue, Suite 127, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.436.2916 | 305.436.3916 | www.abactingstudio.com
Two women reinvent themselves in a bitter struggle for a space that belongs to both, in a conflict between poetry and dance, between character and music.

Saturday, July 26 | 8:30pm
Sunday, July 27 | 5:00pm
OTELO (Othello)
Freely adapted and directed by Christian Ortega, Teresita Iacobelli, and Jaime Lorca
Miami-Dade College's Koubek Center Theater | 2705 SW 3rd Street, Miami
TICKETS :: 305.237.3262 | www.teatroprometeo.org
$3 discounted parking on premises with theatre ticket
The most famous love tragedy of all times, simply performed, focusing on the amazingly synchronized physical movements of the two actors.
PLEASE NOTE | For security reasons, the United States has severely tightened restrictions on visas and other travel documents. Such restrictions may impair our ability to adhere to the published festival schedule. Please bear with us and keep in mind that our program may change without notice. Thank you!